Kindly check your mail entered while registering online. If not found in your mail then forward a mail to us.
Kindly retrieve your password using the forgot password option by giving the secret question and answer entered while registering online.
Is there any option to change our “User id” and “Password”?
You cannot change the “User id”. You can change your password either by logging into the portal and by navigating to “My Profile” section or by using forgot password option from the Login screen.
You can enter the Name of your Department / Division / Unit followed by your organization name in the column of “Name of the Organization / Establishment”
Access NATS Home page
Click of “Register here”
Select “Establishment” and click on “Register”
Enter your organization name with your Department / Division / Unit in the field of “Name of Organization / Establishment”
Is one online registration sufficient for main organization & sister concerns?
Please register separately for sister concerns.
What should we enter in the column of “Training Officer Name” as we do not have a training officer separately in our organization?
Kindly enter the officer name who is in charge for training in your organization.
Yes, you can select multiple options for “Nature of Technical Activity” by clicking on one by one.
What should we enter in the column of “Head Office / Corporate Office” and “Factory” as we have only one factory office?
Enter the same address in those two columns.
Yes, you can select more than one option for the field by clicking on one by one.
Do we (the existing company) also submit the documents asked in the column of "Check list for issuing notification" which were already submitted by us?
Only new industries requiring notification for apprentices from BOAT/BOPT should submit the documents.
You should give Technical, Soft skill, Quality and Project related details of apprentices’ training in structured training module.
If you are an existing company, online registration as per the notification is sufficient. Otherwise you should submit hard copies of all the documents listed in the “Check list”.
Can we edit our details like training officer & accounts officer name and designation after our registration?
Yes, you can edit your details like your officers’ name and designation and address by logging in using your user id and password.
You are requested to forward the hard copy of “download Report” available in your login, to us with your signature and office seal for further necessary action.
Access our NATS home page
After your successful registration with us online, you will receive user id and password
You can login using the above user id and password received by you
Click on “Download form”, PDF will open and you can take printout
Then, you can forward the printout copy with the seal and signature