We have enrolled in NATS web portal , but we have not noted down our user id and Password? How do we get it?
Kindly check your mail entered while registering online. If not found in your mail then forward a mail to us.
Is there any option to change our “User id” and “Password”?
You cannot change the “User id”. You can change your password either by logging into the portal and by navigating to “My Profile” section or by using forgot password option from the Login screen.
You can track the status of your enrollment using your login credentials.
If we want to enroll as the "Sandwich" Institute, what should we select in the column of "Institution type"?
You should select the “Institution Type” as “Polytechnic College” for Diploma (sandwich) candidates and “Engineering College” for Engineering (Sandwich) Candidates.
You can enter the “Branch of Engineering” in the column of “If others, then specify” after selecting “Others” in the “Name of the subject” field.
All the email communications will be sent to the Institution mail.
Is First Class with Honor’s and First Class with Distinction the same?
Yes, they are one and the same.
Yes, you can add more rows for the tab of “Subject wise student strength” by clicking “+” on the right hand side.
After registering online with us and getting requisite approval, you can forward the students detail through Bulk Upload.
Bulk Upload is enrolling your pass out students’ data to our NATS server in specified format (Template) available in your login.
Access our NATS home pageEnroll your institution with us online & received user id and passwordReceived online approval from BOAT /BOPT (status displayed in your login)Login using your received user id and passwordGo for “Bulk Upload” and download the templateEnter your passed out students’ details in the prescribed form mentioned in templateThen attach the template in bulk uploadAfter registering online & getting requisite approval, you can upload the students’ detail thro’ Bulk Upload.
No. We only require enrollment.
Yes, you can change some details of your institution by logging using your user id and password.
Contract will be marked auto-rejected and candidate will no longer have the facility to re-accept it.